For many seniors, Medicare programs offer the opportunity to access care that leads to a healthy lifestyle. Depending on needs and location, the decision on which plan works best for you or a loved one can make a huge difference in determining whether the expected benefits will meet projected needs. Seniors may perceive incentives and lower costs associated with the Medicare Advantage as benefits, only to discover the program’s plans often lead to delays in care, excessive denials, and frustration. These plans also create onerous administrative burdens for health care providers, destabilizing finances for rural hospitals and their ability to provide care in their communities.
When you turn 65, you have health care choices: Traditional Medicare or Medicare Advantage? Having the freedom to choose the health care coverage that works best for you only works when you have all the information to make an informed choice.
It can be confusing to navigate health care as you approach Medicare age. The help ofan insurance broker might sound appealing to guide you through the process
When deciding between Traditional Medicare and Medicare Advantage, the goal is tofuture-proof your decision as much as possible. It’s a big decision. And it’s a hard one to make when future health status and needs are unknown. No one wants to assume they will develop a serious health condition or require extensive care, but choosing Medicare coverage today can affect how and if you get needed care in the future.
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