Quiz – Babies, True Or False?

If you’re a new parent—or about to become one—you have an endless set of questions about how to care for a baby. Although babies don’t arrive with a manual, you can get the answers from many resources—like your doctor. Start testing your baby smarts with this quiz.

False. Always place your baby on his or her back to sleep—for naps and at night. This reduces your baby’s risk of sudden infant death syndrome. Save tummy time for when your baby is awake and someone is watching. This time is important too: Being on their tummies while awake helps babies strengthen their head, neck and shoulder muscles.

True. Breast milk is the only nourishment most babies need for the first 6 months of life. It is easy to digest and delivers virtually all the protein, sugar and fat babies need to stay healthy. Breast milk also contains disease-fighting antibodies that help keep little ones safe from germs and infections.

True. To help prevent cavities, start brushing your baby’s teeth as soon as they break through the gums—a milestone that usually happens around 6 months. Brush with a rice-sized smear of fluoride toothpaste and a soft baby toothbrush. Before teeth appear, you still need to provide dental care by wiping your baby’s gum with a clean, moist washcloth.

False. You can’t spoil babies with attention in the first few months of life. In fact, if you promptly answer your baby’s cries for help—for example, by changing a wet diaper or gently rocking your baby even when nothing obvious is wrong—your baby will likely cry less overall.

True. Unfortunately for their parents, newborns may only sleep in brief bursts—whether it’s day or night. A key reason is that they have small stomachs and need to wake up frequently to eat. Newborns actually spend most of their time dozing: about 16 to 17 hours every day. They just don’t get that shut-eye all at once.

True. Starting with the first ride home from the hospital, your baby needs to ride in a rear-facing car seat. And remember, even for a short drive, it’s never safe to hold your baby in your arms.

Anytime your baby seems out of sorts or not quite right, be sure to call your baby’s doctor. Review the signs that your child needs medical attention so you know what to look for.
